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thaiphoon burner has not错误解决方法

编辑:8fe 时间:2021-12-02 人气:

打开Thaiphoon Burner 软件,点击“read”出现错误“Thaiphoon Burner has not detected any SPD EEPROM device. The most possible reason for this is an unsupported SMBus Host Controller or it has been in a state of deadlock. Power off your computer or perform a Platform Reset to reinitialize the SMBus Controller. If this is a permanent error, please contact us.”是因为未检测到SPD EEPROM设备,大部分是因为软件版本较低,下载Thaiphoon Burner最新版即可解决。

Thaiphoon Burner build 1022(2021年新版)http://www.8fe.com/pcsoft/11737.html

Thaiphoon Burner

Thaiphoon Burner

《Thaiphoon Burner》是一款内存SPD信息查看修改软件,功能非常强大,能够复制、修改内存spd信息,可以快速编辑内存计时参数,轻松修改spd eeprom设备的数据寄存器,为spd提供快速xmp扩展,兼容性强,方便又好

软件大小:4.36MB 星级: 更新时间:2021-12-02
